Well Homer went and bought me a Boze for Christmas! I small one but hey...I LOVE IT and have always wanted one! Now I can play my music in MY part of the house...WB is very territorial and that is were the computer is. Did I mention Homer gave it to my early? Now I can cry and complain and throw a tantrum if I don't get anything under the tree!!! Yes...I am that good...and that petty.
So here are a few things that have made me giggle these past couple of weeks. All from my blond ditsy girl McFly. I am not a writer so don't judge...
On WB birthday...McFly: "Mom, how many people are coming to the party tonight?"
Queen: "Well, WB has invited everyone and their dog."
McFly: "Really? Everyone is bringing their dogs?"
We found out (after extensive and expensive testing) that McFly does not have Attachment Disorder but she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Yeah. On the way home from a long day of assessments I told her: "Well...now we know what race you are."
McFly: " Really?"
Me: " Yes, you are half black...or in other words, half African-American."
McFly: "Oh...cuz people always ask me and I just say I don't know."
(insert teaching moment) Me: "Now what are you going to tell them?"
McFly: (rolling her eyes and grunting because I am so stupid) "That I am half black and half African American!"
Yes, yes...she is almost 12 and knows who her Bio mother is...
The other day she wanted marshmallows that were melty in her hot chocolate so she but the whole bag of marshmallows in the microwave. I thought The First Born would die laughing...
By the way...I am very proud of The First Born...he is clean, has put on weight, and is doing well. He and Baby Mama are doing the big "D", and if he would get a job...life would be good for me cuz maybe he would leave. Love him but...just sayin'...