OK, so who has forgotten all about me and my pathetic life? Oh don't act like life has just moved on for ya'll and you have problems of your own because it is all about me!!!
Well it is Friday the 13th and historically it is a GREAT day for me and it started out great. I watched Tremors last night, classic Kevin Bacon and slept in till 9:30 because WB stayed up late last night, then I got all bitter because Crash won't take me to see Jack Johnson and Shelle made me do the ugly cry which I thought was reserved for teaching Relief Society. I would do links to their lovely blogs and I would like to tell you I won't because of my aforementioned bitterness...but in reality I can't remember how. So there.
After the ICU stay for WB and before the bitterness, this is what I have been doing.

TADAAAAA!! How do you like the tricked out dresser I painted for McFly? And yes I did the rose swag on them and the roses on the side. Well I glued them on and painted them anyway.
Now because I have forgotten how to upload photos correctly, this post will be all over the place. I know that is surprising to you since you all think my life is in order...but I have news for you...


And this...

and of course this...is my REAL life.

Well technically, it is my She Cave and I am redo it. I can't redo my life so I am redoing my house. It is called denial and yes I love me some Elvis and my new imac I got for Mother's Day. I had to beg and cry and withhold ...well you know. Just kidding...I would NEVER withhold THAT!!!

This is my new scrapbooking cabinet that I drove to SLC and got off of Mormon's Craig List. Just kidding...KSL.com. I love it!! It was a really cool orange, red, salmon, blah, blah but I painted it happy colors. Like a beach, but not.

This is another dresser I painted, bought it for $40 bucks! I love it but have no where to put it so it is sitting in my living room. By the way, the rest of my house does not look like my She Cave, I do clean...sometimes.

By the way I need a really cool antique mirror in that nekked spot.

Yes, I admit it, I love beat up old furniture. I LOVE antiques and have had them for years, but my BFF Texas, came down (she lives in Provo now and lets me slum at her house for the BYU games), and helped me change my living space...well maybe she did it while I ran back and forth to help WB. They had to take his pain pump out of his spine because it was infected so he is quite needy now and we (I mean HE) lives on Loratab and Valium. I wish it was WE!!

See my great lamp shade Texas made me for my B-Day?!! It is made out of my Grandmother's hankies.

Did I tell you that my cute little FIL is living with us now? Got rid of the stupid BIL after 4 yrs, just in time for Grandpa to move in. He is not well and can't be left alone.

Here is my buddy WB...do you see where I am going with this?!!!
Actually, my sweet grandbabies just moved back to Vegas so I will get to see them more often!

Baby Momma and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named got divorced, but I got custody of her!

McFly and The Princess fight like cats and dogs or sisters...close call on which is worse! Sibling rivalry is new to me and I have a hard time dealing with it. Too much chaos in in our lives. But I am glad to have them near us and I LOVE Baby Momma's new boyfriend. He is good those babies so I don't have to worry about them...much. All Grammy's worry, right?
School is about to start and I can't wait for some semblance of a routine. That was a joke huh?
Well I will get back to cleaning the cave, crankin' the itunes, and ignoring my children. It is what I do best. And speaking of Princess...the other one...thanks for the card...I love you!!
P.S. I am not proofreading this so don't judge.