I have been reading the local news on the internet. I don't watch it at night because I can't sleep when I do. I can't watch Hoarders right before bed either. Scary stuff.
So this is what is happening in our small town...
The CES show. Lots of drunk people, stay away from the strip.
Near drowning of a 3 year old. This is why I can't sleep.
Marijuana controversy. Although it is medical marijuana is legal here, they are closing down dispensaries right and left. You can legally grow it...you just can't buy it.

Is it just me or does this make you giggle? In Nevada? HAHAHAHA!!!
You can have a prostitute, and a myriad of other things that go on here and you can't legally buy weed but you can smoke it? I don't get it. Does this mean the little old lady with cancer that buys from a dispensary is going to get arrested?
We also have some of the toughest adoption laws in the country yet a sexual predator that has worked in day care for years was just caught. Ummm...back ground checks?
You know, this was a safer and cleaner town when the mob was running it. Just ask Charlie Sheen.
Hahaha Queen I love you so much! I don't watch the news at ALL! It is either RIDICULOUSLY depressing or its political bull s#*t--I hate it all. It only sucks when something huge happens and everyone all over the country knows and I have no clue (chilean miners...shootings in Nevada...etc.), then my husband mentions something and I"m all HUH?
I'd extol the virtues of Happy Valley, but we've got our own dark secrets, too:)
Gotta love the dispensaries. Unfortunately, many people don't have a valid prescription that use them.
Also, they are against Federal Law, even if it's legal by the state. Working with drug using kids, I have lots of pro-legalization conversations with them. And then I tell them they are dumb. I am awesome.
I never watch the news and I never miss Hoarders.
Thats just how I roll.
Drunks, prostitutes, marijuana and the mob, all in one post. Nice to have you back!
Sounds like WhiteTrashVille...
Gotta love Vegas!! I don't watch the news...I'd rather not know :)
Raising 4 kids, this whole "maybe marijuana is legal" thing drives me nuts! I want my kids to stay off all drugs and this wishy-washy attitude of some places isn't helping me a bit.
Sweeeeet post. Sounds like home to me.;)
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