Hey bloggy friends! I will be MIA for a while...well, not totally MIA, I will lurk in the middle of the night when I am really tired and can't always leave rude and disgusting comments.
Las week Homer and I went for classes/testing to get our CCW, (concealed weapons) so I will be packin'! I do live in Vegas you know and have you met my first born? HAHAHAHA (you just THINK I am kidding)... then came home to a sick Wheelchair Boy. He has been pretty sick since Saturday, took him to the doctor...blah, blah, blah. This is not the usual brain surgery stuff, that I can handle, no, no...my sweet WB had to crash in the ER!!! Nurses yelling and throwing stuff...not my first rodeo, and he has been closer to the "D" word before. We are not panicky kind of people. (Although I will admit to you that I was praying HARD) but don't tell any of my other friends, I don't want them to think that I am spiritual!!! LOL
Ya know...as far as my first born goes...go ahead and call me a bad mother if you want! BUT! WB? Them are fightin' words!!! I have neglected and sacrificed everything for the boy, our whole family has, so don't tick me off!!! WB has never even had a bed sore in his life! OK...well Homer is in charge of that part, but I can take credit too don't ya think?
Anyway...long story short...gushing blood out from underneath his G-Tube, needed blood blah, blah, blah again...come to find out he has a rare form of stomach cancer. Inconvenient huh? He will be fine...just waiting to see if we do chemo or they cut it out. He has a lot of hardware in him and is at big risk for infection, so yes this does suck.
Now we are not "whoa is me, I'm a victim" kind of people. We don't want anyone in our ward to know so don't tell any of them. We just don't want everyone feeling sorry for us. Oh Wait!!! What about cookies? Or brownies? Hey!!!! Maybe I should get that "sorry" thing going! I could score!!!!
I did come out of the closet with my coke drinking to Homer the raw food freak! Nothing like a good medical scare to put life and diet coke drinking in perspective. Gotta love Heavenly Father's sense of humor!!!
Seriously...so grateful for friends who brought Cafe Rio and Red Mango, And really grateful for Homer and his strength. Don't tell him, but I could never do this without him! Really grateful for a loving God who is always there for me and keeps me in line.
Love you guys, I will be lurking so don't talk smack about me behind my back!!!
BYU game tomorrow night!!! Guess who will NOT be there??!!! Oh yeah...He does have a sense of humor...
A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 134 Show Notes
21 hours ago
Stomach cancer? How scary! I hope everything is OK. I will miss seeing you around!
HUGZ to you my bloggy friend!!! Will be waiting for your return...and keeping you all in my prayers!
Oh my. I would never call you a bad mother. Best of luck to WB, I'll be pulling for him. Have a Diet Coke and relax.
Wow-if I could send your brownies, cookies and Diet Coke to get there right now, I fully would! I hope things are okay---you and your husband are obviously VERY strong people to go through all this.
And, I just got my CCW in the mail! I have kind of an angry face in my picture, so no one had better mess with me!
Oh mylanta, I am so sorry for you in the most not pittying way possible. I could have used some lessons from you last year when my son was in the hospital for a month from a staff infection that went septic. Not good. And he had never so much as broken a bone or had stitches before that.
Anyway I am glad to know that at least Heavenly Father knows what is going on. I wish I knew what ward you were in and I would totally tell on you.
Sorry about your missing that game. I am giddy with excitement myself just to sit on my couch and watch it.
Maybe I could do something about the brownie thing. Hmmmm.
Go cougars! Miracles can happen, right?
Queen! That stinks! I hope WB gets through this well along with you and Homer! I am so sorry for your added stress. HUGGGGSSSS!!!! Miss you girl!
I wish I had something good to say. How bout this even though you are a packin' grammy I still want to live by you and will because my sweet man is just a lot of talk and all heart.
ps cause he is the boss ya know
So does this mean you wont be at future BYU games. Hopefully we will see you sometime this season. We do have the same seats as last year, what about you guys. Good Luck with everything.
Hang in there and cyber hugs from me.
If nothing else, trama makes for good stories when it's over. Will be channeling caffine and junk food and thinking of you. Hang tight!
Thinking of all of you.....
Prayers to Homer and Queen and WB! I will be waiting for you when you return. XXOO
WOW! I am so going to miss you! You and your entire family will be in my prayers! YES! I do pray~! You are such an awesome lady and awesome mother! Email me if you need some ammo!
OHMYCRAP! Stomach cancer! I'm freaking out for you! I'm so sorry that sucks bad!
Sidenote: I'm so jealous u r packing!
I'm here when u get back or spit on my blog!
That truly sucks!! I'm wishin' I was closer - cause I'd totally keep you supplied with diet coke and brownies - that's what compassionate service means to me!!
Good luck to WB and to you!
Hi buddy, your blog' s draw up is four-square and unstained and i like it. Your blog posts are superb. Satisfy accumulate them coming. Greets!!!
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