There is this really great chaplain at St. Rose Sienna Hospital. He has been there for years and always says to me..."I know you are LDS, but is it OK if we pray for you?"
And then I always say to him..."Well, since we pray to the same God, thanks, I really appreciate that!"
I wonder why that is that some people think because you are a different religion that is may not be OK to pray for them? THAT would be my random thought Shelle and Jules...
Now to the good stuff...We have had a miracle! Seriously, we have! We had a ward fast for WB on Sunday along with alot of prayers for friends. Today they went in to surgery to remove his tumor...(5 docs said it was a GIST tumor), well they get in to remove it and it was the tube from his shunt that was growing into his stomach to create the "tumor"!
I am not one to say never mind Lord, it wasn't cancer so I don't need your help now...I TOTALLY believe in the power of prayer!!! Just like my friend Texas said..."this is a thank-you Jesus moment"!
Anyway, thank you all for everything, your prayers and happy thoughts! I told the doc that we had to be home by game time on me...we will be!!! I can so be a nag! Just ask the fam!
A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 134 Show Notes
21 hours ago
Queen, this is great news! The power of prayer really works.
That is the best news! Definitely a "thank you Jesus" moment!! (I like that saying)
That is the best news ever!!!! You've made my whole day. I'm with you...on all of it. We all pray to the same God and I'm not turning down anyone who is willing to offer prayers in our behalf. Secondly I too believe in miracles!!!!!!!!!!
What wonderful news! I'm happy for all of you---and thanks for sharing how powerful prayer can be.
Cari...I haven't commented but I have been thinking a lot about you guys and praying a lot too (not sure how good my prayers are but I figure it doesn't hurt to offer This is SUCH GREAT NEWS! I can't believe how much the Lord steps in when he sees a need. What a miracle!
If you guys ever have any extra tickets I guess Bryson and I would be willing to use!!
I am so thrilled! Prayers are answered! God listens to everyone! (yes, even me!)
THAT is awesome news!!! Yes I always say there is power in prayers!!!!
Happy tears! His will be done. I am so thankful we get to keep him here. I know I am selfish:)
I was so happy to hear things are working out. I believe in miracles too!
Great News!!
Oh I'm so happy for you guys! I just adore you, I love your attitude and I love how you write things! Awesome, awesome, awesome!
Yes, God listens to every prayer! I am so happy for your great news!!!
My best experience was when I was in a crafting group. We had in our group a Lutheran minister's wife, a Presbyterian Minister's wife, myself, 2 ladies from the local United Methodist church, and one non practicing Catholic to top it off. One of the ladies had a serious health problem that could end her life. So, we had a day of prayer for her. It worked. The doctor could not figure out what had happened. We knew. And it drew us closer together as friends.
Oooohhhh good thought Queen!
I am so thankful that it wasn't what they thought it was!
I wondered that also about people asking if it is okay to pray! They did that with Baby Deyton also, it might come from a different line but God still picks up to listen :)
That is wonderful news! I will still be praying~
Wonderful news!
Hi Queen, I feel so bad. Bad about what you've been going through and bad because I am so self centered after this move that I didn't even know about this. I haven't been a good blog friend to anyone lately. I'm always thinking about me me me and what I need to do do do to get set up and settled in.
I am so sorry about your sons surgery. Is he okay? Have they been able to stop the bleeding? I think it is so awesome that Pat came by to visit you in the hospital. What a riot!
LY Queen! And Thank you Jesus!
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