Well, I missed November...or slept through it or something. I can't believe it is December and almost Christmas!
November sailed away. Seriously. Right before Thanksgiving I came down with a bad case of Vertigo!!! Have you ever had that? It's just stupid. Nothing hurts. I'm not sick. But let me tell ya, the room spins, I am disoriented, and it is annoying. Really. I can't drive, walk straight, think, well...part of that is normal for me but now I have an excuse!
Yesterday I walked in my She Cave and sat down, 'cause I have LOTS of Christmas presents to finish up and I started hyperventilating! Then I started thinking about getting the decorations out of the attic and putting Christmas, (it is a 3 day process...I have a lot of stuff) and I had an anxiety attack just thinking about it! How pathetic am I?! I LOVE Christmas! Love the feel of it, everyone smiling in the stores, it is just a kinder, gentler, world! (I'm not talking about the day after Christmas shopping...that is a whole nether story!)
Why do we do this to ourselves? One of my Ya-Ya's told me I should just boycott the deco this year. Thought about it, but poor McFly...she already is convinced I'm sure that I am the worse mother in the world and that would just solidify it. She is the last kid ya know, and I don't bake things for her or any of the fun things you young mama's do. That ship has sailed! I do buy "homemade" cookies along with the Oreo's! I am not that bad!
This is also the time of year you start getting those dumb lame Christmas letters. I HATE them!!
No one ever sends a letter saying their child is about to be paroled and may be home for New Year's, or that they just got a new house because their daughter burnt down the old one. I want some reality people! And if your reality is 8 son's have already served missions, married in the temple and are graduating from law/med school this year...I really don't want to hear it!!!! That does not make me very Christlike now does it. Telling me that they are all happy and healthy is OK...a few on anti-depressants...even better. I'm sorry!!! I just want to feel better about myself. Is there anything wrong with that?
I know with is economy that people are going through come terrible things. Let's hear it! We are all in the same boat...my boat may be just a bitter smaller than yours, but it has a hole in it too!
Maybe we should have a Meet and Greet at my house. I will serve hot spiced cider and lots of good food and you all can help me put up my 12 Christmas trees and 50 boxes of decorations. But then you have to come back after Christmas and help me take it down. Yes I have been known to leave it up till June and August a couple of times, and all year once. Maybe twice. Not lazy, just overwhelmed.
Pathetic. I know...(sigh)
A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 134 Show Notes
21 hours ago
I would totally come help you decorate---if you promised me "homemade" cookies. And my parents Christmas letter---"we had a reunion...all 11 boys happily married...blah blah blah...oh yeah, our 25 year old daughter still being single." Awesome.
Okay-that's not the exact wording...but still.
Ugh! I had the verigo once. It's horrible. On the other hand it woud be the perfect excuse to leave those holiday decorations in their boxes, I mean really, you should not be on a ladder.
I'm with you on the Christmas correspondence. Last year I boycotted and didn't write one and my granny who lives in far far away complained (along with a few others), I think I have to write one but I'm seriously considering a "reality letter". Something alonge the lines of "all of those things you've been whispering about us for years are actually true! Our kids are not star athletes, future brain surgeons, or ultra spiritual, deal with it. We are."
Does that sound too bitter? I'll work on it.
Yes! Those letters ARE lame!
All of the letters I get go on and on about all of the trips everyone has taken throughout the year. The Caribbean, Europe, a cruise to Alaska. a lovely week in yada yada. My reality letter, if I wrote these letters, would be: walked down to the barn 365 days this year and pitched crap. Had a wonderful time. Hope you get to try it soon.
If you are hyperventilating maybe you should reduce your decorating. Just a thought. : )
I didn't send out cards last year, so I am attempting to do it this, maybe, perhap, probably anyway. In the letter I have written when it came to my paragraph I stated that my biggest accomplishments of the year have been getting out of bed, showering, and getting dressed most days.
(can I secretly tell you that I feel exactly the same as a certain relative of yours even though it is not rational or christlike. sshh don't tell,k. part of me doesn't want to go to heaven if there is no more byu football. just sayin. and were you part of the harrassed family at last year's game?)
Barb I so feel for you. It totally sucks to be in a large family who are all doing what you want to be and yet you have no control or choice in the matter. So not fair and the fact that something so painfully unfair is published and distributed in mass form, well it totaly bites.
You crack me up!
Will you be serving xanax with the cider? I don't send letters, they are too obnoxious. I don't mind hearing from some of our good friends but I just send a picture postcard of the family with a quick synopsis. Much easier!
So glad you are back! We need to get together and work on our Christmas letters! I hate reading those "everything is great and getting more great" letters!
BTW, New Year's is a great time to get paroled! LOL
Hope the vertigo goes!
Okay...when do I need to be there???
My life...I'm stuck in my dungeon editing because I can't say no to ANYONE!!! Seriously, what is WRONG with me?
I am behind in everything. including I haven't put up decorations OR done one OUNCE of Christmas shopping!
Hey, I loved your post so much that I had to write on my own blog. I added to some of your complaints. Hey you have party I do expect an invite or I'm calling the cops and sending my dogs up to tease yours. Hopefully you got our Xmas letter and as soon as the fricking oven is fixed you'll get the orange rolls so don't dispair too much. Sugar is coming. Got to laugh cause crying just makes people whisper around.
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