This post is for women only!!! Seriously!!! If you are a guy you may comment and give your opinion, but if you are in my ward or otherwise related, we will NEVER speak of this! And yes, I can be blackmailed...
I have been taking a photography class because I want to be Shelle at BlokThoughts, when I grow seriously, I don't want to take photos for money, I just want to take pics of really old things...architecture, barns, Homer, etc.
Anyway, I was looking at Teach's portfolio, and she has some great work! Which brings me to a question I want to throw out there...I REALLY need some opinions...I want to get a boudoir photo taken for Homer! OK STOP LAUGHING!!!! You will NEVER see it!!!! I promise I will not hang it on the wall next to my Jesus pictures, or display it at my 30 wedding anniversary.
Have you ever thought about it?
Have you ever done it?
Teach had some that were very tastefully done, even of old hags like me! Heavy set women looked gorgeous!
Am I totally creeping you out?
No Boobi showing...just photo shopped skin...what do you think?
Seriously Neighbor Guy on the corner...not a word!!!
Saturday Seven 369: Lifestyle & More for Quilters
11 minutes ago