Well I just got back from 6...count 'em 6 WONDERFUL days at Brianhead in a great cabin with 4 other great women...in our jammies and sewing our butts off from 7:00 am till midnight-ish! Eat and sew that is all we did! HA Kritta!
It was alot of fun and I will post photos when I get the energy...it is hard work sitting all day!!
One day me and Con Bon Jovi were taking the garbage out and there were 3 drunk guys watching us. We had 2 huge bags apiece (we cleaned out the fridge) so I told the guys that our friend ticked us off...hehehe!!! Then I told them NEVER mess with menopausal women! HAHAHAHAHAHA....they were speechless....
Wheelchair Boy couldn't live without me, but only called about 8-20 times a day...
Mcfly flew back to Ar-kin-saw to meet her bio grandparents and motor home through the states for a few weeks before school starts.
I was lounging around yesterday, and Mean/Cute Sister made me walk with her, with the promise of Red Mango (she tricked me!) and Homer is making me do a Raw Foods Detox with him!!! I know! He is mean too! I am allergic to almost all raw fruits and veggies...maybe he is trying to kill me off!
I really missed you guys...and is EVERYBODY moving?
The Frigid Northland
14 hours ago
I wondered if you fell into a hole somewhere. I like the sitting around in jammies and eating part but the sewing, not so much. : ) Shame on you scaring a couple of drunk guys!
I was in your neighborhood, but you weren't. Did you get the box of chocolates I left?
I'm not moving. Hey, and you better come and visit me when you come up here for BYU games!
Take pics of the results of the Raw Food Detox! What the hell are you eating?
Are my pillows done yet!!!!! My purse is done, it only took her a week to make it so get on it!!!!
Im proud of you for waking today by yourself!!!! be ready to do it again next week...twice
Cari - you are HILARIOUS! You were definitely MISSED! I could totally imagine you saying that to a couple of drunk guys! SO FUNNY!
Hellllooooo! You went to Brianhead and didn't call me on your way through town! humph! Next time I want a call! I miss you!
OK just so you know, I flaked out on the lunch all due to stress over an IRS audit and a missing Nintendo DS that made me an hour late leaving Vegas.
And besides you got Max and Dennis over to your house for dinner. I think you win the contest, K.
Why exactly haven't we had our own Vegas lunch that we can use to parade in front of all the Utah people? I think we should get right on that, don't you. Maybe once school starts up. I wonder if we could convince April to come down. Or maybe we should meet up with her half way in Mesquite.
Glad you had a fun retreat. It does sound like it was heaven. And wasn't it nice to get out of the heat?
Glad your back blogging world just isn't the same without you!!!!!!! I could use a retreat about now. I'm so jealous.
Actually....I lied. There was no chocolate. We were in Hooterville though. A couple of things: 1) don't have your phone number, 2) it was a quick trip and Big Daddy is a grouch when it's hot, 3) you were out of town.
I am planning another trip to see Donny and Marie and eat at Cafe Rio. You will definitely be on my hit list then.
Ok, I want in on the Las Vegas lunch. I could use a good laugh and it sounds like everyone would be trying to out yuck each other since you are all crazy chix!
My vacation was better than your vacation...I didn't have to sew a single thing!!!!
Welcome back! that is a lot of togetherness with women in a small space. I don't know if I could have handled it!
Sounds like you liked it though. Good for you a little getaway from life.
What was in the fridge? geez two big bags!
I am glad you are back. I enjoy your writings and your sense of humor and honesty about life in general. Thanks for your comment on Sandpoint. There are times I wished I was somewhere alone too!
How about I WISH I was moving... I'm jealous of all of them! Honestly I am!
Hey when Jules goes to Vegas I'm coming down to meet her... may need to bum a night at your place???
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